Renewable Energy
SPR advises clients on a diverse array of renewable energy matters, including renewable energy project development, renewable energy project and portfolio M&A, debt and equity financings, strategic planning, and environmental impact reviews. The Firm’s experience ranges from offshore wind and solar to battery storage systems and electric vehicle charging. Especially with financial and regulatory incentives like the federal Inflation Reduction Act, renewable energy projects are increasingly built on properties with complex environmental histories, allowing SPR to draw upon its expertise with brownfield cleanup programs and site remediation generally, for our energy clients.
Project Development and Contracting
The Firm assists renewable energy developers in performing due diligence for site acquisition through the entitlement and project development stages. This work draws on SPR’s long-standing experience with transactional, permitting, land use, municipal law, and environmental impact review matters. SPR further advises on site control issues, including site acquisition and leasing, access for transmission and distribution rights, and title and general real estate due diligence, as well as on federal and state tax and other credit programs that can be vital to the success of developing renewable energy projects.
SPR also provides strategic guidance to a diverse range of clients including developers, lenders, and tax equity investors in the negotiation and preparation of engineering procurement and construction (EPC) contracts, operating and maintenance agreements, power purchase agreements (PPAs), and other agreements related to project planning, financing, and the development of renewable projects.
Project Finance
The Firm regularly represents lenders and borrowers in connection with project financing transactions for a variety of renewable energy projects. These financing include construction loans, term loans, construction to term loans, interconnection deposit loans and tax credit bridge loans. SPR routinely works on financings of solar, storage, geothermal, EV charging, renewable natural gas and wind projects. The Firm has particular experience representing state green banks in various inventive debt transactions. This has given the Firm the opportunity to create cutting-edge new financing structures that have later been adopted in the private capital markets. The Firm also has extensive experience representing lenders in “back-leverage” transactions and other complex debt transactions involving the monetization, either through tax equity partnerships or tax credit sales, of federal tax credits, such as those available under the Inflation Reduction Act. SPR lawyers regularly bring their skills and experience to guide their client through the challenges of distressed credits, including successfully navigating the challenges of back-leverage transactions where the sponsor has filed for bankruptcy protection.
Governmental and Nonprofit Entities
SPR has extensive experience representing and working with governmental entities and nonprofit organizations on infrastructure and energy-related projects. Notably, the Firm has represented NYSERDA on several cutting-edge renewable energy matters, including its Build Ready program, offshore wind program, the Office of Renewable Energy Siting, and its renewable energy certificate financing programs for large scale renewable energy and infrastructure projects. We serve as special counsel for environmental and energy issues to Sustainable Westchester, a nonprofit consortium of Westchester County local governments that is implementing the State’s first community choice aggregation program, which is part of the New York strategic Reforming the Energy Vision plan.
Offshore Wind

Equinor Wind – Empire Wind Offshore Wind Projects

Arthur Kill Terminal

Saranac Lake Waterfront Resort – NY Green Bank

Cogentrix Valcour Intermediate Holdings – NY Green Bank

Rock Wind Holdings – NY Green Bank

Nine Dot Energy – NY Green Bank

GSI – NY Green Bank

Sun Rocket Capital – Donato Solar (Decatur Brush)

SunRocket Capital – Donato Solar (Decatur Brush 2)

Cape Cod Offshore Wind Farm

SunRocket Capital – WCP Financials

Tier 1 Transactions – NYSERDA

Build Ready Transactions – NYSERDA

NYSERDA – Offshore Wind

Radial Power Asset – Accord Power

Manhattan Beer- Rooftop Solar
“Decarbonizing NYC Offices: Opportunities & Strategies for Success”
For: Northeast Sustainable Energy Association - BuildingEnergy Conference
“The Ethics of Using Generative AI In Environmental Law”
For: Law360
“Decarbonizing NYC Offices: Leveraging High-Performance Leases”
For: Building Energy Exchange
“Purchasing Renewable Energy Credits Amid the Inflation Reduction Act: Deal Terms and Key Considerations”
For: Strafford Webinars
“Renewable Rikers: Examining Current Plans to Repurpose and Revitalize Rikers Island”
For: The New York Environmental Lawyer, New York State Bar Association
“Rooftop Solar Systems Required by NYC Local Laws May Qualify for IRA’s Renewable Energy Tax Credits”
For: Environmental Law in New York
“An Update on Local Law 97 and the State of Climate Law in New York”
For: New York State Bar Association
“Harnessing Renewable Energy Tax Incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act”
For: American Law Institute CLE
“Celebration of Project to Develop Offshore Wind Pre-Assembly Facility in New York City”
For: Sive, Paget & Riesel's "Cruise to the Future" Event, New York, NY
“Structuring Private Equity Funds for Investment in Renewable Energy Projects: A New Financing Option”
For: Strafford Webinars
“A Lawyer’s Guide to Power Purchase Agreements for Renewable Energy”
For: Lawline.com
“Renewable Energy: Law, Politics & Practice”
For: Lawline.com, Webcast
“The Law of Renewable Energy,” Presenter
For: The New York State Bar Association’s Environmental Law Annual Meeting
“Renewable Energy; Ethics in the Practice of Law; and Environmental Law,” Presenter
For: NYS Bar Association CLE speaker