Thought Leadership & Media

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2025 DEC Freshwater Wetlands Regulations: Updates for Municipalities and Practitioners

This year brings major changes to the New York State freshwater wetlands regulations.  As a result of expanding state jurisdiction, many more projects will need wetland permits from the Department of Environmental Conservation.  Join environmental attorney Adam Stolorow of Sive, Paget & Riesel and professional wetland scientist Greg Fleischer of Capital Envioronmental Consulting as they break down what the changes mean for wetland permitting on the ground and demystify the permitting process.  Topics covered will include the revised process for determining state wetlands jurisdiction, differences between municipalities under the new rules, and DEC’s proposed general permits.

Presentations, Publications & Speaking Engagements

Additional Media

  • SPR Principal Elizabeth Knauer joins PW Grosser's Environmental Echo Podcast: Navigating PFAS Regulations and Superfund Designations

    November 12, 2024

  • SPR Principal Adam Stolorow joins the Mike Gallagher Show "No Interruptions Podcast" to Discuss Climate Change Initiatives

    July 5, 2023

SPR Webinars