SPR & PW Grosser to Host Webinar on March 21: “Breathing Easy: Navigating Updates to NYSDOH Soil Vapor Guidance”
Join PW Grosser Consulting and SPR for a virtual webinar on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 12:00-12:30 PM, as we dive into the February 2024 update to the NYSDOH Soil Vapor Intrusion Guidance.
We will discuss the three newly added Soil Vapor/Indoor Air Matrices that focus on petroleum constituents, what types of operations/facilities these may affect, and how the new matrices will impact environmental due diligence, site remediation, and monitoring. Owners and prospective purchasers of properties with petroleum contamination and/or New York State remediation sites will obtain tips and best practices for implementing these recent updates to the NYSDOH Soil Vapor Intrusion Guidance.
We look forward to speaking with you on March 21st! Click HERE to register!