SPR Associate Kevin Rogers to Present at NYSBA Superfund/Brownfield Update 2024: Federal and State Environmental Law and Policy Program
On Thursday, December 5th from 9:10 to 11:10 AM, SPR Associate Kevin Rogers will speak on a panel entitled, “Update on New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program/Part 375.” His presentation will provide a private practitioner's perspective on the proposed updates to NYSDEC’s Part 375 regulations and CP-51 guidance.
Kevin’s panel will be a part of the New York State Bar Association’s broader Superfund/Brownfield Update 2024: Federal and State Environmental Law and Policy Program. The program will feature private, public, and in-house counsel and consultants to discuss key developments to the Brownfield Cleanup Program, State Superfund, and other remedial programs. The NYSBA program offers CLE credits and will take place virtually on December 5th. If you are interested in learning more about the program and/or registering, please click HERE.