Meg Holden To Speak About Legal and Technical Issues in PFAS Disputes
Published On September 25, 2020
On September 29, 2020, SPR Associate Meg Holden will join Roux for a complimentary webinar entitled Beyond PFAS 101: Understanding Technical Approaches in PFAS Liability Assessment. Registration is available HERE. Although much is still unknown about the basics of PFAS and their effects, litigation and regulatory action related to PFAS are already occurring. This activity raises technical and legal questions surrounding causation, impact, damages valuation, and allocation particular to PFAS. Meg and her fellow panelists from Roux—Catherine Boston, MPH, Kelly Coulon, P.E. and Ryan Stifter, M.S.—will survey recent PFAS litigation and will provide tools for recognizing and leveraging technical uncertainty in defending PFAS liability exposure.