Zoning, Land Use, and Municipal Law
Our land use and municipal law attorneys recognize the interconnections between land use law, environmental law (including brownfields redevelopment, environmental permitting, and environmental impact review), renewable energy law, and municipal law, and understand how to meet every unique client’s needs for large and small projects alike. When necessary, our formidable team of litigators step in. Our attorneys have a long history of successfully challenging (and defending) municipal land use decisions.
In New York City, we guide clients through permitting, proceedings, and appeals before the Department of City Planning, the Board of Standards and Appeals, the Department of Buildings, and the Landmarks Preservation Commission. Our attorneys provide zoning expertise and assist clients with:
- Variance and special permit applications
- Zoning text amendments
- ULURP review
- Transfer of unused development rights (air rights)
- Subdivisions and lot line adjustments
- Landmark designation and permitting
Outside of New York City, our attorneys represent municipalities, individuals, businesses and not-for-profit organizations on a variety of land use issues, including zoning amendments, site plan approvals, subdivision plans, special permits, variances, easements, historical preservation, and landmarks. We provide zoning expertise for clients assessing the ability of a property to be developed and the siting of projects including:
- Residential homes, multi-family development, and subdivisions
- Commercial, retail, and mixed-use projects
- Infrastructure, telecommunications, and utility projects
- Renewable energy projects, including community solar generation
- Marinas and waterfront developments
- Sports and entertainment facilities
In addition to providing expertise on environmental and land use law, SPR frequently provides counsel to municipal governments, public authorities, and special districts such as school districts, sewer districts, and soil and water conservation districts on a wide range of legal issues including:
- Code and charter revisions
- Ethics, conflicts of interest, and public disclosures
- Freedom of information law and public meetings law
- Annexation
- Village incorporation
- Eminent domain
- Inter-municipal agreements
- Site license agreements for renewable energy projects
- Procurement and contracting
- Special district formation, operation, and finance
- Intra-governmental disputes between executives and boards
- Civil rights and personnel litigation
- Tort liability

Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival

Indian Hill Park Conservancy

Village of Mamaroneck – Ethics Code

Hudson Ridge Wellness Center v. Town Board of Town of Cortlandt

United Hospital Redevelopment
“Ethical Considerations in Administrative Law”
“Lands Under Water in NYC: Foundation of Waterfront Development”
For: Fordham Law School
“Navigating Urban Waterway Development”
For: Center for Creative Land Recycling