Thor Equities Retail Development – Red Hook

Location: Red Hook, NY | Date:

SPR represents Thor Equities with respect to the redevelopment of the former Revere Sugar refinery property in Red Hook, and assisted the developer to obtain permits from NYSDEC and the ACOE to stabilize the shoreline.

Thor Equities Retail Development – Brooklyn

Location: Brooklyn, NY | Date:

SPR represented Thor Equities in the redevelopment of this solid waste landfill on Gravesend Bay into a wholesale store and large waterfront park. The Firm consulted with respect to a coastal erosion hazard area designation, a decades-old solid waste enforcement action, tidal wetlands jurisdiction, and several open petroleum spills.

NYSERDA – Offshore Wind

Location: New York | Date:

SPR advises NYSERDA on the various initiatives to facilitate New York State’s offshore wind program. SPR played a significant role in the development of the New York State Offshore Wind Master Plan, the first such plan in the nation, along with its 21 supporting environmental and infrastructure studies. SPR also oversaw the preparation of...

Watch Case Factory

Location: Sag Harbor, NY | Date:

SPR represented Sag Development Partners in connection with the redevelopment Sag Harbor’s historic Watch Case Factory into residential condominiums. The Firm represented the developer with respect to the environmental review, land use approvals, regulatory sign-offs, and negotiations with NYSDEC and the former property owner concerning hazardous substances remediation and environmental site management.

La Guardia AirTrain

Location: New York and New Jersey | Date:

SPR served as special environmental counsel to the Port Authority of NY and NJ with regard to the environmental impact review under NEPA of a proposed AirTrain to LaGuardia Airport.  The NEPA process included extensive issues under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act with respect to historic resources, as well as permitting...

Adchem Corporation

Location: New York, NY | Date:

SPR successfully represented defendant Adchem Corporation in a multi-party litigation involving years of discovery and motion practice. Although this case arose under CERCLA and New York negligence law, its resolution in favor of our client turned on claims that involved corporate veil piercing, general releases of liability obligations of commercial tenants, and when a...

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