Environmental Impact Review/Permitting

Willets Point Development Project

Location: Queens, NY | Date:

SPR was retained by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to serve as environmental counsel for the preparation of a Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the City of New York’s proposed redevelopment of a 61 acre parcel in Willets Point Queens. The Willets Point project is a proposed redevelopment of an underutilized...

Kingsboro Psychiatric Center

Location: Brooklyn, NY | Date:

SPR represents Empire State Development in the proposed redevelopment of a former portion of the Kingsboro Psychiatric Center. The project will include approximately 1000 units of affordable and supportive housing, two new state of the art homeless shelters (replacing existing shelters on the site), a new public open space, and community facility uses. SPR...

Millennium Pipeline Company Litigation

Location: New York, NY | Date:

SPR successfully opposed a portion of a proposed 424-mile natural gas pipeline that was to cross through Hudson River fisheries. The Firm addressed NEPA issues relating to project’s siting and impacts, Natural Gas Act issues pertaining to project necessity, and Coastal Zone Management Act issues regarding impacts to New York’s coastal zone. The Firm...

American Museum of Natural History

Location: New York, NY | Date:2019

SPR represented the American Museum of Natural History with respect to the Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education and Innovation. An approximately 190,000 square-foot addition to the Museum, the Gilder Center houses new and modernized classrooms, stores and displays more of the Museum’s unparalleled collections, and provides innovative exhibition spaces. The firm represented the...

Pier 94

Location: New York, NY | Date:

The long-blighted Pier 94, which once berthed Cunard Line’s 1,000-foot ocean liners, is being transformed by Blackstone and Vornado into Manhattan’s first purpose-built studio. The 266,000 square foot Sunset Pier 94 will have six soundstages along with open riverfront areas and other community amenities when it is completed at the end of 2025. Several...

Indian Point Energy Center Relicensing/Decommissioning

Location: Cortlandt, NY | Date:

SPR represents the Town of Cortlandt, NY in ongoing state and federal administrative proceedings related to the relicensing of the Indian Point nuclear power plant. The state relicensing involves CWA Sections 316 (cooling water intakes) and 401 (water quality certification), and environmental impact review under SEQRA; the federal relicensing involves NEPA review and a...

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